Using QR Codes for your advertising

QR codes or quick response codes are popping up everywhere.  What are these exactly?  Well, a QR code is a 2 dimensional digital image that allows a person to scan the code with their cell phone and be brought directly to a website instead of typing in the URL for the same site.  The QR code was originally made for use in the automobile industry to easily track vehicles on the assembly line, however since 2011 over 14 million cell phone users have been able to scan these QR codes and were immediately brought to a website for the business which was either selling goods or services.


Using a QR code is a new way of branding your product on the internet.  It is user friendly and people do not have to remember the URL or address of your specific company in order to access it on their cell phone browser.  


Just about anything can be programmed into a QR code.  You can have your entire website URL listed or just choose contact information such as a phone number and an address.  Most advertisers that use QR codes for their products generally have their website URL listed in the code so consumers can immediately access an online store especially if they are looking for a certain product.


QR Codes are a great way to advertise your company whether you are selling products or services.  Ease of accessibility of the QR Code allows advertising your company on social media campaigns to include Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest.  As you know, the internet is the future and it is not going away, instead it is developing daily with more and more features especially the ease of advertising features.


With one of the best ways to advertise your business with the ease of a simple scan, your online company can reach more people on the World Wide Web.  By each QR Code being specifically tailored to your specific advertising needs and no licensing required, QR Codes can be seen on building signs to t-shirts.  


As simple as one scan of your specifically designed QR Code you will be bringing in more customers to your business.  Not just word of mouth customers and repeat customers but brand new customers who will be able to see something on the street, scan the QR Code and automatically see what the website contains.


QR Codes can be put on anything that you sell and can be put on business cards.  Again, a simple scan of your QR Code that is on your business card will automatically bring clients to your website.  This is the most valued quick and easy way to advertise your online business.  


By advertising your company through a QR Code you are gaining more visibility and easier access on the internet which customers like.  QR Codes are easy to use and are user friendly.  Customers searching for your product or service will be able to find you quicker and easier with the QR Code advertising capabilities you are offering them.  No need to remember long URL addresses just a quick scan of your QR Code and you are visible to the world.